privacy policy.
The Privacy Act 1988 governs the use of a person’s personal
information and sets out principles governing
the ways in
which organisations should treat personal information.
The Company is committed to respecting
the privacy of
your personal information provided to it in accordance
with applicable privacy laws. By
providing information to
the Company, subscribing to email alerts or contacting the
Company via this website
you are consenting to the personal
information contained therein being transferred within
the Company
and to the Share Registry, the Company’s
related bodies corporate, agents, contractors and third party
service providers (including mailing houses and professional
advisors) and to ASX and regulatory authorities.
You also
consent to such personal information being processed to
provide services and appropriate
administration for you.
Any information that a third party provides to the Company
through this website will
only be used by the Company in
response to contact made by you and will not be passed
on to any third party.
A person has a right to gain access
to the information that the Company holds about that person
subject to
certain exemptions under law. Access requests
may be made in writing to the Company’s registered office.
This website and all works comprised in it are copyright
and no part of it may in any form or by any means
without limitation, electronic, mechanical, microcopying,
photocopying, recording, scanning
or otherwise) be modified,
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published,
broadcast, distributed or
transmitted without prior written
permission of the Company. All rights are reserved and no
express or
implied licence to use any part ofthese works
is granted to any person without the express prior written
consent of the Company. Any implied licence to use any part
of these works is expressly negatived.